To be a teacher is a great privilege, but at the same time, it involves a big responsibility. Through our teaching we can make effect in our students. That effect can be either positive or negative; however, I think that it always has to be positive.  I strongly believe we can have the power of change our students' lives.

I think that students are the most important part in the classroom, so it is important to give them the best and a meaningful learning. As a future teacher, I always try to give the best explanations and information so that my students can get good knowledge.

Also, I try to inspire in them confidence in that way I can establish a good rapport because I think that good relationships between students and teacher lead  students to have a low affective filter so that learning could take place in the classroom.

I think that if I do all I can do to be a good teacher and meet my student´s expectations, I am playing an important role in their development as persons, and at the end, I will be happy to see that I had a positive effect in their lives through my teaching. By Fredy Peraza

I must speak as a student in order to explain my philosophy of teaching. I firmly believe that the work of a teacher is not only to transmit knowledge but also to be able to give instructions for the proper use of knowledge in practice. Why do I speak as a student? I do it because I have faced situations where the theorical knowledge has not helped me.

I believe that books and words won’t educate anybody but real life examples.
We should answer the Question “For what”? And try to avoid being answering the same “why?” Question.
There is too much theory and not enough practice knowledge By Lester Geobany

My experience in English classes were a good job because I could work with some students that have different behaviors, ideas and thoughts to express themselves, but they were interested to learn something new about English. Also, at the very beginning students were afraid of me so they do not like to participate. But I started to be confident and empathetic with students to encourage in classes by using special activities to make them comfortable, students were very interested in English classes. Many students started to participate and asked about doubts that they have. On the other hand, the tutor was unhappy about the positives results when I taught English class. The tutor assigned me some specifics topics to teach students because they need a reinforcement on that.

What I have also found is that the process of teaching English has also helped me to refine my language learning strategy and learn English language better.
As well as this, I take great satisfaction in the fact that I was successful in helping even the weakest students to speak English and dramatically improve the level of many of those I taught. My success in teaching English is a huge part of why I am so confident in giving advice about learning English language. By Armando Siciliano.

Teaching philosophy
Teaching is not only being part of a single class but also being part of students’ life. It means that as a future teacher I have to develop a class according to the attitude and needs of my students. It does not mean that I have to get involved with the dayly life, but that I have to help them to solve problems inside the classroom also outside the classroom. Teaching does not have to do with earning money or being more important than someone else does withing the society. Teaching is to look for different methods and strategies for our students in order to learn consciously, in this way, students will feel encouraged to continue learning.

 By Astul


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