On this semester we studied a lot of  interesting topics but constructivism was one of the most significant topic for me because it learn teachers how is the environment in the classroom , it has to be flexible because, another important thing is that the teacher has to create active learning. And we as teachers have to be the ones who motivated the students to learn by themselves and to create their own conclusions. For that reason constructivism is really important to teachers to activate the critical learning to the students.
Experiential learning
Well, it is a fact that we as teachers are always learning: we learn from our students, we learn from our peers or colleagues, we learn from our own. Furthermore, we learn throughout our careers, the experience and knowledge we get when working at schools is meaningful because we live or face it everywhere; this is what we call “life-long learning” or “ongoing professional learning” because it is helpful for our improvement in teaching. Traditionally, it is thought that the teacher is who knows everything, that he/she never makes mistakes and that the only ones who “learn” are the students. Nowadays, we say that in this teaching-leaning process both teachers and students learn (I think the students are the ones that learn the most in the process).
I think that a reflective teaching means basically to think about what happens in the classroom, to think about if the activities students do work or just don´t to think of what could be done differently in order to better our classes, to think of what the students´ reactions are the expected and if they are, why, or if they are not , why not. To reflect upon a class is an important process to do if we as teachers want to improve our teaching.
Authentic materials are very helpful in the learning-teaching process because they enable the students to use the target language as much as possible as authentic materials contain culture about the target language which we consider or use as a motivator not as something to be taught. Also, they let students use the target language in different contexts. That means that students use it not only in the classroom but also out of it, in the real life considering it as a meaningful tool in lifetime. Finally, as authentic materials are interesting and motivating for students they can be chosen by both teachers and students. When students choose them, they do it for their own purposes. This helps students develop different language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) even if they don´t understand much of what they are taught. One more thing I would like to mention is that the culture found in authentic materials is just a motivator not something to be taught. By Fredy Peraza.

I really like this topic because community language learning is an approach in which students work together to develop the aspects of the language that they would like to learn. Also the role of the teacher is as a counselor while the learner acts as a client, but sometimes this role can be change depending of the group.
Some very important stages of these methods are:
·           Students choose what they want to say, and their target language production is recorded for later listening /dissemination.
·           Teacher produces a transcription of the tape-recorded conversation with translation in the mother language-this is then used for follow up activities or analysis.
·           Teacher takes time during or after several activities to allow students to express how they feel about the language and the learning experience, and the teacher indicates empathy/understanding.
·           Students listen to their own voices on the tape in a relaxed and reflective environment.
·           Teacher is a “human computer” for the students to control. The teacher stating anything in the target language the student wants to practice, giving them the opportunity to self-correct.
·           Students work in small groups to create new sentences using the transcript, after that they share them with the rest of the class.
6-The different kind of method there are and it uses.                                      
(Translation Method, Audio Lingual Method, Direct Method, Presentation Practice Production, Community Language Learning, and Natural Approach). By Armando Siciliano

Well during this topic we learn that every warm-up, ice breaker filler must have a purpose.
We have learned that this activity doesn´t last more than 10 minutes. It is important to do it of at the beginning of the class it creates a positive atmosphere in the classroom, also to activate schemata in your students; moreover it helps you to revise and recycle on the previous lesson. A good learner needs to take ownership of the language and the warm-up activity is the indicated for her/him to do it.
It is important for a teacher to bring energy to his/her students. It relaxes them and warm-up activity can help you to break the ice with a new class and introduce learners to each other’s.
A warm-up activity can generate interest in the topics of the class and it can help the teacher to identify individual learning needs and goals.
With this topic I learned how I can plan my classes in a better way.
If I plan every class that I am going to develop, I am going to achieve all the objectives and goals that I wish for the students.
A good lesson plan provides the roadmap and visuals in a logical sequence.
In the other hand, if I do not plan my classes I will be a disorganized teacher, I could not have the connection to prior learnings, as a result; that means a waste of time and a poor management.
With this topic I have learned that we have two types of lesson planning: Micro and Macro lesson planning.
Micro planning specifies just the results which are to be achieved, without including the process or inputs that may be required.
Macro planning is created when we have to plan a complete Unit, a complete semester, etc. it is longer than micro planning.
I have learned that a good lesson planning includes: objectives, pre-assessment, list of materials, warm-up, introduction, presentation, practices (it can be controlled practice, semi-controlled practice and free practice.), evaluation, closure and application.
 By Astul Mat

This topic was completely new for me, I had never heard about Bloom´s taxonomy. But is an important topic for all teachers, indeed Bloom’s taxonomy refers to a classification of the different objectives that teachers set for students (learning objectives).
It divides educational objectives into three "domains": cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Within the domains, learning at the higher levels is dependent on having attained prerequisite knowledge and skills at lower levels. A goal of Bloom's taxonomy is to motivate educators to focus on all three domains, creating a more holistic form of education.
Bloom's taxonomy is considered to be a foundational and essential element within the education community. A mythology has grown around the taxonomy, possibly due to many people learning about the taxonomy through second hand information.
Knowing the Bloom´s taxonomy, we can create the best objectives, keeping in mind what we want to achieve with our students.
I liked this topic because the class started with the question: What motivates you?
I had the opportunity to reflect about why I am motivated, and I realize that I have to be a good teacher with this in mind, knowing that as a teacher; if I am motivated; my students will be motived, too. In this way is so essential that teachers and students are motivated, in order to develop in the best way the curriculum.
With this topic, I discovered there are two types of motivation; intrinsic motivation, and extrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic motivation refers to the motivation that is driven by internal rewards. In other words, the motivation to engage in a behavior arises from within the individual because it is intrinsically rewarding. This contrasts with extrinsic motivation, which involves engaging in a behavior in order to earn external rewards or avoid punishments.  With the intrinsic motivation, we do not need to another person or thing for motivating us.
Extrinsic motivation refers to the motivation that is out of us, for example when some people motivate us to do something, to the behavior that is driven by external rewards such as money, fame, and grades. This type of motivation arises from outside the individual, as opposed to intrinsic motivation, which originates inside of the individual.
 By Lester Giovani


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